630 Queen Street East - Community Consultation Meeting

Toronto City Planning is hosting a community meeting on a planning application for a new condo development by Streetcar Developments at 630 Queen Street at the North West corner of Carroll and Queen. 

The city's notice of this meeting goes to all businesses and residents within 120 metres of  630 Queen.  However, as many in Riverside are interested in planning matters,  I want to make sure that everyone knows about this meeting. 

Emily Caldwell is the City Planner on this file.  She can be reached at 416-392-4237. You can also reach her by email at [email protected]

This is a community meeting to get input on the plans from residents and businesses within the neighbourhood prior to the application going to Toronto and East York Community Council.

If you cannot attend the meeting but have comments, please send them to my attention or to Ms Caldwell's email.


Planning Application for: 630-642 QUEEN ST E

Site The site is located on the north side of Queen St East, between Davies Ave and Carroll St, and has an appropriate area of 1354 metres square.  The property was formerly occupied by a small retail plaza with surface parking fronting onto Queen St E. The site also includes a surface parking lot at the corner of Carroll St. 

Proposal In 2006, a proposal was submitted by the previous owner of 630 Queen St to construct an eight-storey mixed-use building with 58 residential units, retail use at grade, adn three levels of below grade parking.

The site is currently under new ownership, and a revised proposal has been submitted for 630-642 Queen Street East.  The applicant proposes to construct a nine-storey mixed use building with 98 residental units, retail use at grade, and two levels of below grade parking.  The proposal require an amendment to the Zoning By-law, and is also subject to a Site Plan Control Application. 

Purpose of Meeting The meeting will provide an opportunity for the community to have input on this project, view the plans and ask questions.  If you cannot attend the meeting, you can still make your views known by sending a fax (416) 392-1330 or by writing to Raymont David, Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District, City Planning Division, 100 Queen Street West Floor 18E, Toronto Ontario M5H 2N2.

If you would like further information about the proposal, please contact Emily Caldwell, Assistant Planning, at 416-392-4237, or by email at [email protected].   You can also contact me at 416-392-4060 or by emailing [email protected]

Notice to correspondents: Personal information at the community consultation meeting or contained in your correspondence to the City, is collected under the City of Toronto Act, 2006, the Planning Act, and the City of Toronto Municipal Code.  The City collects this information to enable it to make an informed decision on the relevent issue(s).  Individuals who submit correspondence should be aware that any personal information in their communication will become part of the public record.  The City will make it available to the public, unless the individual expressly requests the City to remove the personal inforamtion.  Questions about the collections of this information may be directed to the Planner listed above.

A copy of the Preliminary Report providing background information about the original proposal can be found on the City's website staff report on the original proposal.

Compliance with City Council policy respecting Notice may result in you receiving duplicate notices.  Attendant Care Services can be made avaioable with some advance notice.

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