Good News! Update on the Centreville Antique Carousel


Thank you for your efforts and support to save the Centreville antique carousel! So many people wrote or called in and over 2,200 people signed our petition that was presented to City Council. Eight of the councillors who want to keep the carousel in Toronto helped me present the petitions on October 4th.

Here is the motion that City Council passed:

  1. City Council direct the General Manager, Parks Forestry and Recreation and the Chief Corporate Officer, in consultation with the City Solicitor and the Treasurer, to negotiate an amendment to the Licence Agreement for the "Children's Amusement Area", known as Centreville, between William Beasley Enterprises and the City of Toronto to ensure the heritage carousel owned by the licencee remains at Centreville and direct the General Manager, Parks Forestry and Recreation and the Chief Corporate Officer to report back to the Government Management Committee on the results of the negotiations.
You can read the details here:

My motion is an important step to make sure we keep the Centreville carousel here. City staff will now start negotiating with Mr. William Beasley to keep the carousel in Toronto.

I am anticipating this process will move forward smoothly, but I know I can count on you if there is any danger of it derailing.

Cities around the world are proud of their carousels and we need to ensure the Centreville carousel stays in Toronto – there are only 25 Dentzel Menagerie Carousels left in the world and this is the only one in Canada. It is an important part of Toronto's history and a part of our histories.

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